Recent Projects

The objective of this project was to reconstruct real objects as tridimensional objects using a camera and a structured light from a projector.The process of development has the following steps:1. Camera Calibration;2. Structured light projection using (b,s)-BCSL codification;3. Track transition identification;4. Generate the cloud of points;5. Object reconstruction;References:1. E. Trucco, A. Ver ... read more.

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Ray Tracing is a technique for generating an image by tracing the path of light through pixels in an image plane and simulating the effects of its encounters with virtual objects. The technique is capable of producing a very high degree of visual realism, usually higher than that of typical scan-line rendering methods, but at a greater computational cost. This makes ray tracing best suited for app ... read more.

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C++ Java OpenGL

GeoRisco3D - Geological and Geotechnical Monitoring System is a Java project created by Tecgraf’s Distributed Systems Engineering group, which is based on the Java Web Start Technology, built over CSBASE framework. Therefore, Georisco inherits these characteristics: client/server architecture, web-based, algorithm’s resources management, and executions in a distributed heterogeneous environment.Ge ... read more.

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C++ OpenGL Computer Vision Lua

3DReplay is a football analysis system that converts key events from video to a 3D graphics model adding a new dimension in sports entertainment. Using computer vision algorithms and graphics, it allows the creation of a 3D environment from a football match 2D image that is used to view controversial plays from different angles.It creates an extremely accurate 3D model of an event, allowing it to ... read more.

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C++ OpenGL

The Color Spectrum is the cumulative title of a project by The Dear Hunter consisting of a series of nine EPs of which each reflects an individual colour of the visible colour spectrum (namely Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet and White). This project was envisioned by frontman Casey Crescenzo as a way to interpret the colours of the spectrum via music and is in no way relate ... read more.

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