← Back to Portfolio3DReplay is a football analysis system that converts key events from video to a 3D graphics model adding a new dimension in sports entertainment. Using computer vision algorithms and graphics, it allows the creation of a 3D environment from a football match 2D image that is used to view controversial plays from different angles.
It creates an extremely accurate 3D model of an event, allowing it to be viewed from any angle, helping the viewers and the commentator judge if the call made by the referee is right or wrong. Pre and post-game shows are crucial to a sports broadcaster’s revenue streams: 3DReplay is the perfect tool to analyse the team’s past plays, examine and explain the tactics, study team’s formation, and present the game’s highlights in captivating 3D models, immediately after the game ends.
How does 3DReplay actually work? The frame of the critical moment is frozen and the 2D flat video frame slowly fades out into a fascinating 3D graphics model. The original camera viewpoint gradually changes and a new virtual camera path is created, looking for the most relevant perspective; the referee’s viewpoint, the linemen’s, the goalkeeper’s, the striker’s or even a bird’s eye view for a complete tactical perspective. Operating the system is extremely simple and quick. In a matter of minutes, a clip can be readied to go on air providing near real-time replay capabilities suitable for both half-time reports, post-game analysis and highlight shows. The operator selects and grabs the frame representing the play to be analysed; the frame is converted into a graphic representation of the stadium, players, referees and the ball. By simply marking the keyframe, a new virtual camera path is created which enables the viewer to see the play from unconventional angles. Offside lines can be drawn, ball speed can be measured, and tactical analysis of the event can be provided.
An extensive library of player’s preferences such as jerseys, height, bone animations, skin colour, hairstyle, and much more is available, ensuring that the reproduction of the play is as realistic as possible.
This product has the sales partnership of Orad Hi-Tec Systems and is currently in use at some TV broadcasters around the world like Televisa (Mexico), Polsat (Poland), Globo (Brazil) and TV3 (Spain).
Main features:
- Video control and processing
- Camera calibration
- Pose reconstructions
- Insertion of virtual elements and marks for tactical analysis
- Generation of high-quality HD video
- Generation of high-quality stereo (3D) video
- Integration with camera tracking system
- Augmented reality
Role Information:
My role in the 3DReplay was as Lead Software Engineer. This project started in 2005 out of a PhD research project and it is under new functionalities and improvements are under continual development. Another function was to help our selling partner, I participated in the Orad’s stand at NAB for three consecutive years, demonstrating to visitors the software’s functionalities.
My participation began in 2006 and finished in 2011, where I had the main responsibilities to manage a small team of developers and designers, and as well to develop the software. During this period I made significant contribution including the improvement of camera calibration methods, making it possible to calibrate in any part of the field, not just the main area as the thesis proposes; increasing the speed of scene generation, and helping our selling partner to earn new clients around the world.
The main technologies involved were: C++, Lua, OpenGL, Iup and Computer Vision / Image Processing techniques.